About Us

Starting a business is a rewarding experience, but building it with your son is something extraordinary.

Food For The Sole was inspired by Henry, who initially asked me to prepare resupply meals for him and his hiking partner during their trek on the John Muir Trail. From the beginning, Henry has been my biggest cheerleader, just as I have been his.

Our journey from a simple idea to a thriving business began with this request. Henry’s enthusiastic support quickly turned into hands-on help, and eventually, we became partners. Our guiding principle is straightforward: create the most delicious and nutritious portable meals for outdoor adventurers. The incredible places our customers enjoy our meals inspire every aspect of our product development and production processes.

We aim to revolutionize the adventure meal industry. By crafting mouth-watering dishes with carefully selected ingredients, we offer a range of healthy meal options that stand out in the market. It is a privilege and a joy to combine our talents as mother and son to bring you the best adventure-ready foods available.

Savor your meals and your journeys!